
lua 中的数据结构只有一种,那就是 table。


typedef struct Table {
  lu_byte flags;  /* 1<<p means tagmethod(p) is not present */
  lu_byte lsizenode;  /* log2 of size of 'node' array */
  unsigned int alimit;  /* "limit" of 'array' array */
  TValue *array;  /* array part */
  Node *node;
  Node *lastfree;  /* any free position is before this position */
  struct Table *metatable;
  GCObject *gclist;
} Table;

Table 结构中可以看到,其中有一个 TValue *array 可以存储数据,但是还有另外一部分存储数据的地方,就是由 Node *node 指向的哈希表。对于属于 [1, alimit]key ,会使用 array 存储数据,其余数据则存储在哈希表中。

哈希表数据则存储在 Node *node 这个数组中,数组的长度为 2的 lsizenode 次方,数组中 Node 又通过 NodeKey 中的 next 代表的偏移组成链表。


** Nodes for Hash tables: A pack of two TValue's (key-value pairs)
** plus a 'next' field to link colliding entries. The distribution
** of the key's fields ('key_tt' and 'key_val') not forming a proper
** 'TValue' allows for a smaller size for 'Node' both in 4-byte
** and 8-byte alignments.
typedef union Node {
  struct NodeKey {
    TValuefields;  /* fields for value */
    lu_byte key_tt;  /* key type */
    int next;  /* for chaining */
    Value key_val;  /* key value */
  } u;
  TValue i_val;  /* direct access to node's value as a proper 'TValue' */
} Node;



#define gnode(t,i)	(&(t)->node[i])
#define gval(n)		(&(n)->i_val)
#define gnext(n)	((n)->u.next)
#define hashpow2(t,n)		(gnode(t, lmod((n), sizenode(t))))

** "Generic" get version. (Not that generic: not valid for integers,
** which may be in array part, nor for floats with integral values.)
static const TValue *getgeneric (Table *t, const TValue *key) {
  Node *n = mainpositionTV(t, key);
  for (;;) {  /* check whether 'key' is somewhere in the chain */
    if (equalkey(key, n))
      return gval(n);  /* that's it */
    else {
      int nx = gnext(n);
      if (nx == 0)
        return &absentkey;  /* not found */
      n += nx;

可以看到在从哈希表中查数据时,先通过 key 的哈希值获取数组中对应的 Node* n ,如果发生了哈希碰撞,则通过NodeKey 中的 next 代表的偏移寻找下一个节点。


写入哈希表时如果发生哈希碰撞,需要寻找一个空节点存储数据。lua 使用 Table 中的 Node *lastfree 指向最后一个空节点,然后往前查找。


/* true when 't' is using 'dummynode' as its hash part */
#define isdummy(t)		((t)->lastfree == NULL)

static Node *getfreepos (Table *t) {
  if (!isdummy(t)) {
    while (t->lastfree > t->node) {
      if (keyisnil(t->lastfree))
        return t->lastfree;
  return NULL;  /* could not find a free place */

写入哈希表时先通过哈希值获取数组中对应的节点,如果节点已被占用则调用 getfreepos 获取一个新节点,然后将新节点插入 next 组成的链表中。这里需要特别注意到,当占用位置的节点也是自己的位置被别人占用的节点时,会把占用位置的节点移到新节点,将新数据写入当前位置,这样避免 next 组成的链表过长。


** inserts a new key into a hash table; first, check whether key's main
** position is free. If not, check whether colliding node is in its main
** position or not: if it is not, move colliding node to an empty place and
** put new key in its main position; otherwise (colliding node is in its main
** position), new key goes to an empty position.
TValue *luaH_newkey (lua_State *L, Table *t, const TValue *key) {
  Node *mp;
  TValue aux;
  // ...
  mp = mainpositionTV(t, key);
  if (!isempty(gval(mp)) || isdummy(t)) {  /* main position is taken? */
    Node *othern;
    Node *f = getfreepos(t);  /* get a free place */
    if (f == NULL) {  /* cannot find a free place? */
      rehash(L, t, key);  /* grow table */
      /* whatever called 'newkey' takes care of TM cache */
      return luaH_set(L, t, key);  /* insert key into grown table */
    othern = mainposition(t, keytt(mp), &keyval(mp));
    if (othern != mp) {  /* is colliding node out of its main position? */
      /* yes; move colliding node into free position */
      while (othern + gnext(othern) != mp)  /* find previous */
        othern += gnext(othern);
      gnext(othern) = cast_int(f - othern);  /* rechain to point to 'f' */
      *f = *mp;  /* copy colliding node into free pos. (mp->next also goes) */
      if (gnext(mp) != 0) {
        gnext(f) += cast_int(mp - f);  /* correct 'next' */
        gnext(mp) = 0;  /* now 'mp' is free */
    else {  /* colliding node is in its own main position */
      /* new node will go into free position */
      if (gnext(mp) != 0)
        gnext(f) = cast_int((mp + gnext(mp)) - f);  /* chain new position */
      else lua_assert(gnext(f) == 0);
      gnext(mp) = cast_int(f - mp);
      mp = f;
  setnodekey(L, mp, key);
  luaC_barrierback(L, obj2gco(t), key);
  return gval(mp);


Table 分成两部分最重要的问题就是每个部分时多大,如果数组部分过小,那么就失去了使用数组部分的好处,如果数组部分过大,空位置太多,则浪费了太多空间,lua使用的是使数组部分使用一半以上的最大的二次方。


** Compute the optimal size for the array part of table 't'. 'nums' is a
** "count array" where 'nums[i]' is the number of integers in the table
** between 2^(i - 1) + 1 and 2^i. 'pna' enters with the total number of
** integer keys in the table and leaves with the number of keys that
** will go to the array part; return the optimal size.  (The condition
** 'twotoi > 0' in the for loop stops the loop if 'twotoi' overflows.)
static unsigned int computesizes (unsigned int nums[], unsigned int *pna) {
  int i;
  unsigned int twotoi;  /* 2^i (candidate for optimal size) */
  unsigned int a = 0;  /* number of elements smaller than 2^i */
  unsigned int na = 0;  /* number of elements to go to array part */
  unsigned int optimal = 0;  /* optimal size for array part */
  /* loop while keys can fill more than half of total size */
  for (i = 0, twotoi = 1;
       twotoi > 0 && *pna > twotoi / 2;
       i++, twotoi *= 2) {
    a += nums[i];
    if (a > twotoi/2) {  /* more than half elements present? */
      optimal = twotoi;  /* optimal size (till now) */
      na = a;  /* all elements up to 'optimal' will go to array part */
  lua_assert((optimal == 0 || optimal / 2 < na) && na <= optimal);
  *pna = na;
  return optimal;


lua 中数组并不一定是满的,而且可能部分项放在哈希表中,所以获取数组长度的算法比较复杂。首先 alimit 不一定等于已分配数组的实际长度,数组的已分配长度叫做 realsize。

** About 'alimit': if 'isrealasize(t)' is true, then 'alimit' is the
** real size of 'array'. Otherwise, the real size of 'array' is the
** smallest power of two not smaller than 'alimit' (or zero iff 'alimit'
** is zero); 'alimit' is then used as a hint for #t.
#define BITRAS		(1 << 7)
#define isrealasize(t)		(!((t)->marked & BITRAS))
#define setrealasize(t)		((t)->marked &= cast_byte(~BITRAS))
#define setnorealasize(t)	((t)->marked |= BITRAS)

lua会先检查当前 limit 是否符合条件,不符合则会通过二分法在数组中寻找实际长度,如果找到将长度赋值给 alimit 这样下次简单判断之后就能使用了。如果数组部分全满则会在哈希表中通过二分法寻找长度。


lua_Unsigned luaH_getn (Table *t) {
  unsigned int limit = t->alimit;
  if (limit > 0 && isempty(&t->array[limit - 1])) {  /* (1)? */
    /* there must be a boundary before 'limit' */
    if (limit >= 2 && !isempty(&t->array[limit - 2])) {
      /* 'limit - 1' is a boundary; can it be a new limit? */
      if (ispow2realasize(t) && !ispow2(limit - 1)) {
        t->alimit = limit - 1;
        setnorealasize(t);  /* now 'alimit' is not the real size */
      return limit - 1;
    else {  /* must search for a boundary in [0, limit] */
      unsigned int boundary = binsearch(t->array, 0, limit);
      /* can this boundary represent the real size of the array? */
      if (ispow2realasize(t) && boundary > luaH_realasize(t) / 2) {
        t->alimit = boundary;  /* use it as the new limit */
      return boundary;
  /* 'limit' is zero or present in table */
  if (!limitequalsasize(t)) {  /* (2)? */
    /* 'limit' > 0 and array has more elements after 'limit' */
    if (isempty(&t->array[limit]))  /* 'limit + 1' is empty? */
      return limit;  /* this is the boundary */
    /* else, try last element in the array */
    limit = luaH_realasize(t);
    if (isempty(&t->array[limit - 1])) {  /* empty? */
      /* there must be a boundary in the array after old limit,
         and it must be a valid new limit */
      unsigned int boundary = binsearch(t->array, t->alimit, limit);
      t->alimit = boundary;
      return boundary;
    /* else, new limit is present in the table; check the hash part */
  /* (3) 'limit' is the last element and either is zero or present in table */
  lua_assert(limit == luaH_realasize(t) &&
             (limit == 0 || !isempty(&t->array[limit - 1])));
  if (isdummy(t) || isempty(luaH_getint(t, cast(lua_Integer, limit + 1))))
    return limit;  /* 'limit + 1' is absent */
  else  /* 'limit + 1' is also present */
    return hash_search(t, limit);